GoMining WW
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Commission: 7.70%
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- República de Guinea Ecuatorial
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- República Árabe Siria
Información sobre el Programa de Afiliados en Mexico
Programa de Afiliados es parte de Admitad Mexico Información
Para comenzar a cooperar con el programa, primero debe registrarse en el sistema.
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- análisis detallados y herramientas útiles,
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- enorme variedad de programas de afiliados,
- confiado por 645738 editores,
- y mucho más.
The GoMining project has been mining Bitcoin professionally on an industrial scale for 7 years. The company possesses 9 data centers with a total capacity of more than 350 MW in different countries around the globe. GoMining is also a permanent member of the Bitcoin Mining Council, an international organization dedicated to finding solutions to the issue of non-environmentally friendly bitcoin mining. GoMining has been a strategic VIP partner of Binance since 2022. Such crypto titans as Ledger and Bitmain are also among the project's official partners, with Till Lindemann having been GoMining ambassadors at various times. Our partners - TON (gmt.io/ton), Trust-Wallet: gmt.io/trust-wallet)
The GoMining affiliate program allows you to cast a direct crypto offer around the world. The company accepts almost all types of traffic, except for brand queries, circuit and invalid (misleading) traffic. Promotional materials are provided to our partners, and you can also integrate third-party trackers to receive detailed analytics. You can withdraw the funds earned in crypto. The company is ready to offer personal terms to affiliates with a good volume of high-quality traffic.
- The affiliate program operates all over the world.
- It accepts almost any traffic, except brand requests and invalid (misleading) traffic.
- Minimum payout of $50.
- Works with a direct RevShare offer.
GoMining is a unique affiliate program in the mining hierarchy that provides convenient tools to work with customers. Our project managers are ready to provide detailed information about the product to make it easier to spread the word, and support will help you set up your personal account so that all the necessary metrics are displayed correctly. Due to the company's international focus, as well as the uniqueness of the crypto product itself, affiliates have the opportunity to constantly scale and increase their income.
Please note that the advertiser pays a commission only for sales of new users brought and registered by the publisher.