Admitad June product updates

In June our team has been dedicatedly working to deliver a range of valuable enhancements, bug fixes, and plugin updates. It has been a thrilling month packed with progress. In this monthly recap, we are delighted to provide you with an overview of the modifications and advancements we have implemented in our software.
Stripe payments for advertisers
- As an advertiser, now you can pay for the chosen Admitad Rise plan using Stripe service. Simply pick up a Standard or Plus subscription plan, fill in your bank card details in Stripe and enjoy working.
Currently available worldwide, except Poland, UAE, USA, India, Brazil.
New onboarding for advertisers
- Integrated 2 types of onboarding for new advertisers:
- Step-by-step live onboarding inside personal account
- Email onboarding triggered to specific actions
Now you can get started and launch your affiliate program without any personal support.

Coupons and banners are not mandatory for program launch
- Improved process of affiliate program creation for advertisers. Now you don’t need to mandatory upload coupons and banners to launch your program
New online Terms for advertisers
- Available for advertisers from the USA, India, UAE, Poland and countries, where Admitad has no legal entity (except CIS countries). No paperwork anymore, all is done automatically while registering in the service
More info here
Bonus programs updated functionality
- Now advertisers can create bonus program for specific webmaster(s) or exclude specific webmaster(s) from bonus programs
- New bonus program types:
- ‘For total amount of orders’ bonus
- ‘By order growth’ bonus.
New recommended programs visibility updates
- More visible and detailed recommendation programs section on Dashboard page
- Updated recommendation section on Admitad Store page
- Popups with recommended programs in publishers account
Implemented new filter for Admitad Store – Instant Payout availability
- Now you can filter advertisers programs based on Instant Payout feature availability
AppsFlyer campaign update
- We optimized tracking links to instantly get all users parameters to correctly determine the source of the conversion and correctly attribute it with a probabilistic attribution model
Update Instant Payout webpage
- Added more detailed and user-friendly info to get more insights and value on how Instant Payout works. Click here.
Improved multi-account quality control
- Our quality control team will be able to quickly identify accounts with fraud traffic before they withdraw funds and ban them
We aim to continually improving Admitad and ensuring you have the best experience with our software. We believe these updates and bug fixes contribute to a more efficient and productive operations. Thank you for your ongoing support, and stay tuned for more improvements in the future!