Gearbest is looking for new publishers

If you’re already working with INT but want more
you need to:
- Refer the program INT to your friends (make a post on your blog or message them directly)
- Submit an application in Tickets with recommendation screenshots and links attached
- Wait for the results. Depending on how active your publishers are you’ll get:
* a new publisher is one who has never worked with INT (in other affiliate networks as well).
* if you attracted 2 new publishers, one of which brought 10 orders, the other – 50 orders, in this case you get 5$ + 15$ = 20$.
* number of orders*10% for each publisher (if you brought 4 publishers, that broughnt 300 sales, you get 4*300*10%=120$
* will be valid till 30.09.2017
Offer for new publishers:
You’ve never worked with the affiliate program INT and you want to earn $5?
Join now and get:
- $5 if you’ll have generated more than 5 clicks for one month
- Higher rate +1% (up to 6% for an old customer) depending on your type of traffic (check the description down below)
- Extra $30 bonus for more than $300 value confirmed orders for one month after joining the program (one-time bonus)
To join the deal you need to:
- Submit an application to join the affiliate program INT
- Apply in Tickets commenting on how you found out about the program (forum, blog, a recommendation from a friend etc.) to get $5. ATTENTION: you won’t get the bonus without the application.
- After reaching $300 threshold, apply in Tickets again for $30.
Go ahead!
Kind regards,
affiliate program INT