ShortLink: admitad hyperlink reduction service

We would like to present to you hyperlink reduction service by admitad. First of all, this service is useful for reduction of the long partners’ links with a large number of admitad SubID.
Such links as
are quite cumbersome to use it for social networking posts, forum posts or to send by e-mail, etc.
That’s why webmasters have used other reduction services to make links shorter, although there is a frequent problem of SubID data loss. ShortLink service by admitad solves this problem. All the SubId data will be stored in system.
To get a short link is very easy. Go to service page service. Inserts a long link and press the button to generate a short one. Short link will be automatically highlighted, so you can copy it to the clipboard.
This service turns long URLs into short ones. Compact links are visually more attractive, they do not repel users unlike long links. Feel free to use ShortLink. And don’t worry, with this service your code will work correctly, including SubId.
And then use it wherever you need. Moreover, on you can find links to ShortLink browser extensions for such browsers as Google chrome, Yandex browser and Opera.
Look at the screenshot and explore how ShortLink browser extension works in Google chrome.
Surf online and copy to the clipboard a short link of the current URL in one click. Just click on ShortLink icon to do this. And the reduced link will immediately get into the clipboard – here is it
ShortLink service is completely free of charge. It works very fast and never loses SubId data. Enjoy.