Admitad presents solution for full-scale mobile tracking

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How Admitad mobile tracking works
But what if the app is NOT installed?
Admitad mobile SDK benefits:
How to try new SDK?
CPA-network Admitad continues improving tracking and attribution mechanisms. In January we presented Admitad Mobile SDK for the first time, gradually improving it and adding new fuctions, such as deduplication, supporting promotional codes and rate scales. Now Admitad is ready to offer the market a revolutionary solution for mobile tracking.
This mobile SDK update puts tracking of mobile installs and in-app actions on a whole new level, providing correct attribution of target actions in all cases. Now Admitad publishers will be able to gain even more profit from their traffic.
As of today, it is the only CPA-focused mobile SDK solution in the market.
How Admitad mobile tracking works
During the transition through the affiliate link from a mobile device, Admitad defines whether a user has an App installed on his device or not. If the App is installed, it opens on a mobile device, and then user performs the target action (in most cases it is the purchase of goods, but other options, such as registration or submitting an application, are also possible). These actions we could already track in the spring version of Mobile SDK.
But what if the app is NOT installed?
Before, if the advertiser’s app was not installed by the moment of clicking the link, the algorithm sent the user to advertiser’s mobile website. If the user, being on a website, switched to installing the app in Play Market or App Store, SDK could not track the chain “transition from the website on the mobile device to the App Store / PlayMarket — installing the app — the target action inside the app”. We used to lose the user and could not track the target actions performed by him in the current attribution chain. The first conversion from the moment of the installation was not tracked and was not assigned to the appropriate publisher. As a result, he did not receive a commission for the attracted traffic.
From now on, if the advertiser’s app is not installed, the notifications of campaign are being checked. If they indicate “lead to the website,” the user, while clicking an affiliate link, is redirected to the mobile version of the website (where other types of tracking come into force/effect).
However, if the notifications of campaign specify “lead to the App”, the affiliate link will redirect the user directly to the mobile app page in the App store/ Play Market. The fact of installation and all target actions in it will be tracked by SDK.
This way Admitad sees all chain of attribution:
- Transition to advertiser`s website from mobile device
- If the app is not installed – the fact of installation
- Login in the app
- Conversions inside the app
Even If the user installs the app between switching to the advertiser’s website from a mobile device and buying goods inside the app, attribution is not lost, and conversions are assigned to the appropriate publisher according to Last Cookie Win scheme.
Admitad mobile SDK benefits:
- Correct attribution. SDK accurately defines the source of conversion and assigns the reward to the publisher, who attracted the user to the app. There are no artificial “attribution windows” and no priority for CPI. You only pay for traffic that yields profit.
- Tracking at all stages. SDK does not lose users when they leave advertiser’s mobile website for the app stores. Even if users install an app between a click and a purchase, the conversion will be attributed correctly.
- Increase in CPA-traffic by 18-20%. This allows the publishers to get their commission for target actions that were previously not tracked. In their turn, advertisers will be able to make the offers even more attractive for webmasters.
- Flexibility. The advertiser has an opportunity to choose where to drive traffic – to the mobile version of the website or to the app. Moreover, he can choose what to pay for – installs, purchases or any other target actions within the app.
- Improved tracking of Safari links. With mobile navigation to Safari (that is 80% of iOS traffic), users skip unnecessary system windows and reach conversion with a bare minimum of clicks.
- Free tool for full mobile tracking. SDK does not cost anything for an advertiser and testing of it is easy. The advertiser can quickly estimate the effectiveness of this update and make a decision on whether it is profitable to use or not.
How to try new SDK?
If you have already integrated SDK Admitad, we recommend you to upgrade it to the latest version following the instruction on Help Admitad.
If you haven`t integrated with SDK yet, you can get acquainted with useful information here: