The 21st Russian Internet Forum – RIF+KIB: admitad keeps its expectations high

Our admitad team is excited to take part The 21st Russian Internet Forum – RIF+KIB will be held on April 19-21 in the Moscow Region, at the Lesnye Dali guest house about 30 km west of the capital. RIF+KIB is a huge annual event and brings together thousands of important players from Internet industry.The forum expects to host more than 8,000 visitors, 600 speakers, and over 100 separate events. E-Commerce, modern advertising technologies, web analytics, marketing, and PR are this year’s main themes.
RIF+KIB is the annual conference held every year since 1997, where people who feel they build the Runet meet. Those include members of Russian telecom and software industries, representatives of various Internet businesses and state institutions such as Federal Agency on Press and Mass Communications(FAPMC), Ministry for Economic Development and Trade, Ministry for Communications and Informatization of the Russian Federation.
This three-day event offers a great variety of activities — conferences, exhibitions, master classes, roundtables and outdoor activities. The sessions will cover different topics relevant to online businesses, including online advertising & marketing, global e-commerce market where admitad team will be happy to share our expertise and best practices in the affiliate marketing industry.
The RIF+KIB is excited to present this year the initially launched CPA Speaker Panel CPA PRO, held the 1st day of the Forum, April 19th (starting from 3:30 PM till 8PM). Do not forget – it is followed by an amazing AfterParty: a great mixture of fun and networking flavours is promised! Register for an evening of presentations by business professionals with the CPA designation, and get the opportunity to personally meet them, ask questions and collaborate while enjoying some hors d’oeuvres.
CPA PRO is exclusive for its organizators:, AdCombo, admitad, RocketProfit, EVERAD, MarketGid, Lety Shops, RGK, MarketCall, TrafLab
FREE and ! This is a great opportunity to find out about the endless opportunities that come with a CPA marketing industry.
To tell more: you are welcome to listen to our admitad report starting at 6PM. Our PR director Alex Terehoff will be sharing with you his expetise on Rejected traffic that originated from rejected ad requests and methods for its preliminary identification.
To get in touch with our admitad team & to meet up with our colleagues at this event, please e-mail us at